do you like creatues?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hey, Jade here

          Anyway I know we haven't posted recently but, it was summer and we were busy living. So, today I will be telling you about the Snoobe family. The Snoobe family consists of: Melly, Nelly, Kelly(died when she was 13), Music Melly J.R. (Melly and Danny's daughter), Yelly, Kayla, Mr.Snoobe, and Madam Elly. Every child except Kayla was named by their mother Elly, Kayla was named by their father, he wanted her to be different from his other daughters.  Mr.Snoobe was very upset that his name would not be carried on by a son, though he still loves his family more than anything, even if he was not given a son.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hi, Jade here

hey I just wanted too show you some of our characters. Our characters will almost always be in families, sometimes just random... Today we will show the heartsy family, hope you enjoy!

Friday, June 3, 2011

what we're about

          Hi, Jade here, I want to tell you about what inspired us to create this world.... well one day at the library I (Jade) was really bored learning the same stuff over and over again, so I pick up my new highlighter/pen and made Stella, the first of my creations.  Now both me and Jocelyn have over one hundred of these kooky characters, we are very close to our goal which is one hundred fifty characters. My favorite? well I favor Stella, Marushka, and Jade 'cause they're more like me then the others.

         (Jocelyn's point of view) One day at school I saw Jade doodling funny looking creatures, in one way they were exotic and beautiful. She then showed them to me ( Stella, Missy, Milo, Moony, and Dagner). I was impressed and wanted to draw some too, so I drew a giant flower named moon petal. My favorite? Well I favor all my drawings. I love too draw and if you gave 50 pieces of paper I would draw the front and back with wacky things. I am a wacky person and you have to love me for who I am.

         (Jade and Jocelyn) along the way a lot of our friends (Or just random people who saw our drawings) wanted to draw too, they'd draw one or two and get bored of it, we have one friend who still draws for us (you have to guess who), but mostly this is a time passer, waster, ruiner whatever you want to call it, it's a hobbie that has made Jocelyn and I better of friends, right Jocelyn, right!
                                                                                                         Well T.T.F.N
                                                                                                                            Jocelyn and Jade